January is all tucked in!
Thank you to everyone for showing up and sharing so much love.
Deep breath.
Deep appreciation.
Today, I am grateful to you!
Breath is fundamental to life. As you see with our dynamic group, there are significant contrasts in breathwork and how to do it, and everyone experiences each differently. That this technique moves you forward to the "next part of the picture," however that may show up for you.
Breath keeps your senses dialled up.
This week try sending breath down to your hips or activate your solar plexus with big belly breaths. BE playful in getting to know your breath outside of our sessions. Let this newfound connection with your breath move you through life. Even the most subtle changes can create a shift.
Notice your sensory awareness:
Does the sun look a little brighter?
Can life taste a little sweeter?
Open up to feel more loving toward the people you encounter, even strangers.
Add extra enthusiasm about daily tasks.
Tune into realizing your healing power is within.
And all it takes is breathing in and breathing out, however, where ever and whenever!
"Studies are revealing that, by changing the patterns of breathing, it is possible to restore balance to the stress response systems, calm an agitated mind, relieve symptoms of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), improve physical health and endurance, elevate performance, and enhance relationships." The Healing Power of the Breath, doctors Richard P. Brown and Patricia L. Gerbarg
The remaining weeks in our Immersion aim to give you the inner wisdom, knowledge, tools and support you need within yourself to build the life that you've always wanted. With regular practice, these breathing techniques will help you cultivate a clear, peaceful mind and a vibrant, healthy body "moving toward wholeness."
I've been practicing breathing techniques for almost two decades and have continued to see benefits over time in every inch of my life—mind, body, and spirit.
I love you all,