This is my serious pet peeve!
I'm so happy to be in touch with you and honoured you're reading these emails. Cheesy as it may sound, it makes me feel like I'm "with" you to make stuff happen through Breathwork.
Read on...
Oh my, pet peeve alert!!
I don't know about you, but when I see catchphrases like: "Change your mindset! I'll show you how!" I want to run as far away in the other direction as possible.
While I am all for daring to dream big and taking those inner and outer steps to experience the vibrancy that comes from living alive, I find those promises are misleading, manipulative misunderstandings. These "promises" are driving promotions by poking at deep insecurities.
Claims to just "clear your subconscious blocks" and "take action" everything you could ever dream of will magically appear makes me shudder. Grrrrr.
Our lives are a journey that carries brightness and shadows, settled seas and stormy ones, through breakdowns, breakthroughs, and builds growth out of the grit and tenacity. The "clear your subconscious blocks" messages forget to mention it is usually by white-knuckling through it all with courageous triumph that involves a-lotta guts. Eventually, you can wipe your brow, and a new change agent is born!
Breathwork gives you a chance to actually make deep, practical, subtle upgrades to neuropathways and lands in your subconscious to ensure purposefulness. This is the new sustainable solution that sticks. (because you are tough and not afraid of the work it takes!)
We are being asked to make worthwhile changes on a high level! Expanding, healing and growing, opening to the newly found space in our lives.
Breathwork expands space in our lungs for better health.
Breathwork opens space in our hearts for gratitude, love and forgiveness.
Breathwork creates space in our systems to create new futures.
People who do have their souls fed and their hearts on fire. Building anything new takes time, and it's worth the effort.
Here's to Breathwork becoming YOUR healing practice in 2020.