If you hate pants, this is for you.
I appreciate you,
You are taking concrete steps towards creating a better world because your heart knows it is possible.
As my coach says, there's another word for "uncomfortable" that feels a lot better to say.
It's called "growth."
You are here because you want it.
It's something about doing things that aren't easy. Things we wish we could back away from.
That's showing up powerfully.
That's finishing strong. We are revealing lessons here.
Less isolating and more love.
Less getting by, more building.
Less striving and more giving.
(Mermaids don't wear pants, and they're great)
That's showing up powerfully.
So I ask you. What's your thing? That complicated, uncomfortable thing. That confusing thing gathering dust in some forgotten corner of your heart?
Is today the day you'll dust it off and get uncomfortable? And if not now, when?
I don't know about you but isn't it time to take a page outta Harry Potter?
"There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it." ― J.K. Rowling
Last month, I resurrected myself. I protected a truth lying dormant in my heart for years.
Being true to who you are and what you believe in is one of the best ways I've found to get the life you want.
You just have to be yourself. Share your stories and open your heart. Wide.
It's crazy important.
Thank you for powerfully being here.
with love,
P.S. For a super-quick, super-affordable Kathleen-fix, you can also scoop up a 30-minute Microdosing Consultation.