Hey friends,
It is an exciting time. Rounding the corner in 2022 feels fast and slow at the same time. A pretzel-shaped question - How did we get here, and what took so long?
Is that what it's been like for you?
This time of year sparks creativity in me; I used to think it was the coldness or darkness. Beginning hibernation of long chilly days in the Canadian winters is the perfect time to sink my teeth into a big project.
Last week I made an offer to work together a bit too excitedly!
Why? .... Well,
I am in the very beginning stages of the arduous job of revamping my website. I forgot that the getting-to-know-you tool on Google would lead you there. I love my website, it is a beautiful creation, yet after another year of unlearning, I need to clarify what this work is all about again. It is necessary to show myself and work authentically. I have discovered so much in the last few years that it makes me inhabit my humanity differently and my work in a far more full and rich way than I could if I hadn't. My current website reminds me that this is all about evolving —appreciating life and working in a way that is whole and honest with ourselves and each other.
So for a peek into what you might see that is different, my supremely talented Coach Sonia Simone walked me through an exercise yesterday, laying the groundwork for the updates.
This is the unedited version of what you will see in the revised version of my international headquarters located on the interweb, coming January 2023.
What problem does my work solve for clients?
More understanding of themselves in their work lives, relationships
Clarity on patterns of success or why things are not working out
What is the transformation ppl are looking for in our work together?
The integration process is lonely and fragmented, making it hard to put pieces together alone.
Complex problem solving
Pattern recognition
Ability to sit with discomfort/ownership of emotions, pain, failure, process
our work opens up ways to manage new information, truth or possibility for change
Who do I enjoy working with?
Smart, goal-oriented, problem-solving, successful, willing to have conversations that may be uncomfortable ppl, ok being challenged.
If I could clone my clients, who would it be?
Creative, adventurous weirdos
What am I stinking good at?
Incredible skills at listening, following patterns, recognizing relational interruptions
IFS - internal family systems
Managing high-level complex problem-solving,
Finding gaps in thinking or processing information
Offering resources
What is it about my work that sparks joy?
Helping clients find peace
Showing clients, they can be courageous and brave
Working in community
If we were in a global rule, could I only take money for one thing? What would I want to do to exchange time for money?
1:1 coaching
Classes, community
What is it that makes you a weirdo in your space?
I love drugs, responsibly
I hold myself accountable
I am super good at being passionate about my life and work
I am an oversharer on podcasts (probably cptsd, /I am in recovery)
A little extra on the opinions about drugs and cult bullshit
I have a hard time shutting up about things I am passionate about
What makes your work different or edgy?
Most people believe that drugs are wrong/harmful/bad. It is bs because it is safe with education and proper preparation. I am a strong advocate for maintaining personal agency and autonomy.
Drugs are drugs - drug elitism is dangerous.
Integration is the most essential tool for sustainable change.
finding BIPOC support/resources for BIPOC clients when necessary
knowing my scope/limitations
Are there differing opinions about your approach? Why? YES!
speaking out about how lousy coaching hurts people
not overcharged/capitalist coaching
not promising transformation/guarantees
not keeping people in a system where they rely on others to help
making expectations/goals straightforward no matter the outcome
Doing this work reminds me to begin again and never be too fussy about the process. If it's good, we'll find out. And that a good conversation about Coaching with me is an important step on your terms -it is just the start.
Reach out if you want to chat (👈 click the magic link)