Hello friends,
I wanted to share a profound moment from a recent gathering. As I sat in the closing circle, listening to the humble hearts of humans sharing experiences that even the most delicious and delightful words could not describe, the person to my right dropped their gaze and questioned whether they would ever figure out the mystery of life.
When it was my turn to speak, I shared a story that has stayed with me for years. During an IFS training, I had a vivid image in a learning session. A part of me "remembered" my conception. I saw a blissful seedling colliding into its embryo self with a thud, immediately feeling the burden and pain of humanity. It was the existential pain we all carry, the same complex unravelling that my neighbour in the circle was staring into with so many questions and so few answers.
This reminded me of something Stan Grof once said, "The full picture of the human experience includes a vast array of the most ecstatic states of being as well as the most profound and devastating experiences of suffering." It's a sentiment that encapsulates the duality of our existence – the bliss and the burden intertwined.
Similarly, Timothy Leary's words echo: "The universe is an intelligence test." We are all seekers in this grand cosmic riddle, forever curious, striving to understand our existence's more profound truths.
This might resonate with you as we all continue our journeys of self-discovery and understanding.
Keeping it short and sharing these moments and reflections can bring us closer to the essence of integrating our humble human experience.
oh baby, my heart.